Each Sunday, ushers are usually some of the first servants to arrive at the church house. They make sure things are in order and get into their positions to greet members and visitors. During the worship service, ushers safeguard the entrances, aisles, exits and financial offerings of the church.
Generally, the ministry of church ushers focuses on the following areas of responsibilities (if they occur in your church):
1. Assist in the seating of members and visitors
2. Provide care for the needs of the pastor during the service.
3. Attend to the needs of the visiting speaker or guests of honor.
4. Maintain the decorum of the service, according to the church’s tradition.
5. Watch for the safety of the congregation and acting as the line of first response to medical emergencies.
6. Collect and perhaps counting the offering.
7. Attend to altar ministry or response ministry as people respond to the sermon’s invitation.
8. Catching people who fall or start dancing “in the Spirit.”, Placing blankets on women who “rest in the
Spirit.”, Keeping those dancing “under the power of the Spirit” safe from stumbling into chairs or other
9. Hospitality Receptions after the service
10.Helping in the Serving of Communion
11. Receiving of guests and doing followups.
12. Distributing bulletins, hymn books or any material needed to reach the congregation.
13. Ensure there is order at the parking space
14. Opening and closing of the sanctuary doors during times of permitted seating.
15. As the center ministry, helping all other ministries have a conducive serving environment.
The specific duties of the ministry of church ushers will vary.
For some churches, the role of church usher will also include the role of security. They can be trained to be watchful and vigilant when there is something of concern or emergencies.
You may choose to develop a more formal security team apart from the role of church ushers.
The specific action steps for each of these duties will be different depending on the customs, practices, and physical layout of your sanctuary or worship space.
To book for a training for your ushering team please email info@ambstevembugua.co.ke
To get a detailed Church Ushering manual please click Church Ushering Manual