My friend, you have to take 100% responsibility for your life.
In a society where people blame everything from their parents to the government for their failure to get ahead in life,the successful people looks at things differently, these men and women refused to buy into the mentality that says “I could succeed if only it weren’t for ___.” You blame the primary school you went to, where you were brought up in…etc.
I attended Kamurunyu Primary School in Murunyu village-Nakuru and this didn’t stop me from being who I am today.
You have to realize that when you say someone or something outside of yourself is preventing you from succeeding, you’re giving away your power to that someone or something. You’re saying, “You have more control over my life than I do!”
You have to know that what you perceive is what you achieve, your confession becomes your possession.
My friend, you are better than good, better than most.
Sometimes that adversity knocks you down but when you are knocked down, that’s where growth starts. Challenges gives us lessons in life and stirs us up.
Don’t just sit down complaining and giving excuses, you will get stuck there if you do not take full responsibility of your life.
Successful people don’t buy into this victim thinking. Rather, their personal credo is “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!
There are certain things in life you can’t control, such as nature, the past and other people. But there are things you absolutely can control, such as your thoughts and your actions. Taking 100 percent responsibility for your life is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself.
But, when you live your life on purpose, your main concern is doing the job right. You love what you do–and it shows. Your conviction is as evident as it is persuasive. And you will find that people want to do business with you because they sense your commitment to giving your all.
Spend as much of your day as you can focusing on achieving your goals and dreams. Every day, ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing right now bringing me closer to my goal?” If it’s not, do something that will. Focusing is like any habit: the more you do it, the easier it gets.
It may sound simple, even obvious, but when you’re truly committed to achieving your goal, giving up isn’t even an option. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Be ready to pay the price.
We must remember that we don’t have forever. The clock is ticking, there are no time-outs, and sooner or later your number is going to be called.
It doesn’t matter where you start, It matters where you finish and how.
Maybe somebody did hurt you and messed your life up, forgive and grow! Move on!
Everybody has a story and not everybody will sympathize and give you a shoulder to lean on, don’t let the past ruin your life. Make a declaration to wage war to all factors, everything that can happen will happen and you have to deal with it.
Help somebody and help yourself so that your surrounding and environment will be suitable, activate the vigour in you and purpose to be the best you can in whichever way you can.
Be willing to go against the tide, say no to what that don’t matter! Stop majoring on the minor, it’s not easy but you have to fight your way through with expectancy. There is a seed of greatness in you. You were created to be a victor, to shine, to partake the kingdom blessings and unless you realize who you are in Christ, you will live in a life of regrets and excuses. Arise and shine.
You are unstoppable, unless you think otherwise. Take responsibility. For you to lose weight and keep fit you must take the decision and be focused to pay the price. The same case applies to all areas of your life. Take the responsibility to change the problem. Don’t be a volunteer victim, push,push,push until something happen. Recreate and re-invent your life. Decide to live each day like if it’s your last day. Don’t keep on postponding your breakthroughs, your time to rise, shine and accomplish is now and you have to take full responsibility.

Managing Workplace Risks and Hazards
In today’s complex work environments, managing risks and hazards