First Aid Training

First aid is the initial assistance given to a person who has been injured or gotten ill (casualty) using the locally available materials and generally accepted guideline before handing over to a more qualified and responsible person. First aid saves lives and knowing what to do in an emergency can make all the difference. First […]

On 3rd August 2003 at 12:00noon at Deliverance Church Murunyu in Nakuru county, I gave my life to Christ after the word of God came strongly to me through Rev Elijah Maina Mwangi from the book of Isiah60:1-10. >Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, […]
Responsibilities of a First Aider

First aid is the first help(initial assistance) given to a casualty using the locally available materials and generally accepted principles before handing over to a more responsible person. First aiders are volunteers not a profession and their main aim are to:- Preserve Life Prevent worsening of the condition Promote Recovery First Aiders are meant to […]
Personal Protective Equipment

Workers have a right to a safe workplace. The law requires employers to provide their employees with safe and healthful workplaces. The OSHA law also prohibits employers from retaliating against employees for exercising their rights under the law (including the right to raise a health and safety concern or report an injury).PPE is defined as […]
Safety Signage at the Workplace

It is important that employers ensure that their employees are aware of and understand the meaning of safety signs and signals either seen or heard during their work, including providing training where necessary. Although most safety signs are self-explanatory, employees (particularly new, young or inexperienced ones) may be unfamiliar with the meaning of some of […]

Selecting the most appropriate application of fire-fighting equipment is key to providing your family and/or employees with the best chance of containing a fire before it develops into a major incident, as well as of saving lives and property, and even the future of your enterprise. A hand-held fire extinguisher is a portable appliance which […]

We all go through situations that are unfair; life has thrown you a curve, it’s not what you had planned; even though life is not always fair, God IS fair, and if you will keep your trust in Him, and not get bitter, but just keep moving forward, God has promised He will pay you […]
Church Safety

Churches are generally open environments and therefore much more vulnerable than other controlled or semi-controlled workplaces and institutions. Churches by virtue of their nature and their openness tend to attract all types of individuals; Therefore prudence should guide the church leadership and administrators as they seek to develop and improve on their security and safety […]
Blood Donation

Having donated more than 20 pints of blood, that is 20 times so far, I can confidently say that blood donation is one of the most fulfilling act of humanity. Service to mankind is service to God and no any act of kindness goes unrewarded including donating blood. You are required to donate only one […]
Personal Safety and Security

Personal Safety and Security though an area not given enough focus is a knowledge that not only should be a basic life skill but also inculcated in our school’s curriculum. I have trained more than 10,000 people in Kenya on First Aid, Fire Safety, Pediatric First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, Community Emergency Response Team Training, […]