Nose Bleeding is the rapturing of the nose vessels. It can be caused by the following:- Direct blow to the nose or head Blowing of the nose Sneezing High Blood Pressure Picking Change in atmospheric pressure Extreme temperatures Incase of nose bleeding: Stay calm. If you start to get nervous, it can actually make you […]

There are two types of bleeding:- Internal Bleeding External Bleeding Incase of Severe bleeding, the main objective is to stop bleeding and prevent shock. Assess DR ABC(Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, Circulation) and follow the EXPECT procedure: E – Expose the wound carefully and quickly X – Examine the wound for any protruding bone or embedded […]

Fainting happens when you lose consciousness for a short amount of time because your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen. It is a brief loss of consciousness due to inadequate supply of blood/oxygen to the brain. It can be caused by the following:- Exhaustion/Fatigue Hunger/Starvation Severe Pain Early stages of pregnancy Sudden News Emotional Stress Standing […]
Keep Fighting

My life as an Emergency First Responder { Under Makinika Afrika Int } has been an adventurous life involving dangerous rescues and lifesaving missions. I have responded to dozens of road accidents, collapsed buildings, a terrorism incident, community conflicts and fire incidents sometimes witness massive loss of lives and in most cases saving a lot […]
Accept, Adjust, Advance

Death, like other adversities in life, is a lesson, which must be understood and cherished, not feared; it is a rite of passage we all must encounter at one time or another; it helps build our character and makes us stronger if we can endure its painful aftermath. The tests we face in life’s journey […]
The Scars Of Life

Everybody has a scar in his/her body, whether it’s an umbilical cord mark, tattoo, Cesarean section operation mark, BCG mark et-cetera. When you take time to carefully inspect your partner’s body from the head to the toes, you will note a number of them and other bath marks. Men have hundreds of them more so […]

Anyone who has ever become anything worth writing home about has had to handle fire and brimstone with naked hands, boldly face all obstacles and adversities with courage and determination to score handful of victories. Life gives a chance to mend cracks to avoid repairing a wall in the future. Character formation involves repeated actions […]
Author Endorsement

On 25th December 2011, I was seated at Huruma grounds in Eldoret feeling empty, disappointed and concerned about my life. I had gone through episodes of misery, rejection and obstacles in life and was wondering about my life purpose. The spirit of the Lord visited me and reminded me that on 26th May same year […]

In Emergency response, one of the major challenge faced more so in the Africa Content is Early Access and response time for Emergency Service Providers. In case of emergency cases like Heart Attack, Cardiac arrest, Shock and other Trauma Injuries, the Chain of survival if effectively and efficiently followed would be the difference between a […]

I appreciate my 2016 engagements with you, praying together, some of those whom we met and shared together, those who invited me to speak in the various occasions like Moi University, Anestar Lanet Boys, Shunem Girls, Anestar Precious girls, PCEA Nairobi North Presbytery, Inooro Tv, Special Education Professionals(SEP), Heritage Group, Busara Investment Group(BIG), Deliverance Church […]