Fire Prevention Week October 6th to October 12th 2024

Fire Prevention Week, observed annually in October, is a crucial period dedicated to raising awareness about fire safety and prevention. In 2024, this week will run from October 6th to October 12th, under the theme “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety.” As a globally recognized Safety Ambassador, I, Steve Mbugua, am committed to fostering a […]
African Occupational Health and Safety Conference 2024

The African Occupational Health and Safety Conference 2024 (AOHSC24) is the premier gathering for Occupational Health and Safety professionals, taking place from October 16th to 18th at the Emperors Palace Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa. As a globally recognized Ambassador of Safety, I, Steve Mbugua, with a mission to help build a culture of safety, urge […]
Transform Your Perception And Unlock Your True Potential

Is it not amazing to know that what you behold is what you will become. What you perceive is what you receive. How you perceive life is what you receive from life. How you see yourself is how the world sees you. If you want to experience satisfaction then change your perception. Perception shapes how […]
World First Aid Day 2024

World First Aid Day, commemorated every second Saturday of September, is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of first aid. This year, on September 14th, 2024, the theme is “First Aid and Sports.” As the Ambassador of Safety, I have made it my mission to help build a culture of safety, organizing […]
Obedience And Disobedience; Sweet and Bitter Consequences

Obedience and Disobedience: Lessons from the Bible, Consequences, and Pathways to Faithfulness: Introduction As an Intentional Encourager and coach in spiritual growth and intentional living, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of obedience and the devastating consequences of disobedience. This article explores the profound impact of these concepts on our lives, drawing from biblical […]
Negligence; Weapon of Self Destruction To Our Destiny

Understanding Negligence: Biblical Insights, Consequences, and Strategies for Prevention Introduction: As an Intentional Encourager, my life’s work has centered around promoting safety, diligence, and proactive measures to prevent avoidable harm. Negligence, whether intentional or accidental, has far-reaching consequences that can affect every aspect of our lives. In this article, we will explore biblical examples of […]
Overcoming Offense, Bitterness and Unforgiveness

As an Intentional Encourager, my journey has been dedicated to uplifting others, fostering resilience, and guiding people toward fulfillment. Offense, bitterness, and unforgiveness are pervasive issues affecting many today, often derailing lives and causing deep emotional wounds. In this article, we will explore biblical examples of those who suffered due to offense and those who […]
The Rise of 21st Century Kingdom Financiers: Building the Kingdom Through Strategic Investments

The 21st century has witnessed the emergence of a new generation of kingdom financiers—individuals and companies committed to using their resources to advance the gospel and support kingdom initiatives. These financiers view their wealth and influence as divine tools to serve God’s purposes on Earth. This article explores the biblical foundations of kingdom financing, highlights […]
A Shift to Interdenominational And Unified Body Of Christ Focus

In an era marked by diversity in Christian denominations, there is a growing shift towards an interdenominational and unified Body of Christ focus. This approach encourages churches and clergy from various traditions to work together for a common purpose — to spread the gospel, serve communities, and fulfill the mission of the Church as one […]
Unity of Faith in the Body of Christ

Unity of faith is a profound and essential concept within the Christian community. It speaks to the harmonious agreement and shared beliefs among believers, transcending denominational, cultural, and geographical boundaries. This unity is not only a biblical mandate but also a critical factor in strengthening the Church’s impact on the world. In a time marked […]