Ushers’ Factor – Reasons Visitors Return to Your Church. There is a great end time revival coming and in Africa people will love God more and be committed to kingdom matters. You will see a lot of revival meetings, crusades, conferences and tents meetings across nations. Very big mega churches will be built and there will be manifestations of the power and glory of God. Because this will happen, Pastors and Churches should prepare themselves to be part of this great revival that will be accompanied by signs, wonders and a lot of people flowing into these meetings. Church Ushers are a key component in this dynamic move and so they should be well prepared and equipped to embrace the change, bearing that the congregation comes with different personalities, psychological needs and expectations.
Times are changing so fast and so Church ushers should be evolving with time. They should keep ablest with current trends, information and technology as well as people skills. “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 A church usher is a person who helps ensure a smoothly running church service and who ministers to people in a variety of practical ways. When you serve at church, you’re not “just” a volunteer. You’re given responsibilities and expectations beyond performing basic tasks. A good usher comes prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually and does his/her duty knowing that heshe is accountable to God and the priest.
“Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” Col. 3: 23, 24. From my personal experience in visiting churches, church ushering ministries that have thought through their procedures and trained their church users in “how we do things” leave a tremendously positive first impression on their guests. They make them feel respected, loved, appreciated, recognized and cared for. The appearance of competent team and organization helps your visitors feel less anxious about how to “go with the flow” because the friendly church usher is there to guide.
Ushers should always be Alert, Awake, and Aware of the surrounding and Environment so that incase any Health, Safety or Security issue arise they are well informed and prepared to respond swiftly.
This is a very fundamental manual to Equip and Empower the following Sanctuary workers to serve with Excellence, Passion, Right Attitude, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Revelation:-
1. Ushering Team
2. Security Team
3. Protocol Team
4. Sanctuary keepers
5. Hospitality and Catering Team
6. Other Church Ministries
It Equips, Empowers and Commissions the workers and leaves them with a “This is how we do it, we love what we do and we do it with love” Spirit.
The insights in this book equips your team helping them leave a positive impressions to the guests and congregation.
Church Ushering Training Program and Rates In Kenya Shillings
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