CHURCH PROTOCOL 101: Principles of Church Orderliness

Protocol should be followed because “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace in the church.
The term protocol comes from the Greek words meaning “the first glue”. Nowadays, protocol can be understood as the glue which holds official life in the society together. Whether on the local, national or international level, proper protocol is vital in assuring that relations between the officials of organizations and governments conducted with maximum efficiency.
Protocol is a code of ceremonial forms and courtesies and processes considered as right and accurate in official dealings or a system of rules and acceptable behavior used at official ceremonies and occasions.
Protocol is defined as the system of rules and acceptable behavior used at official ceremonies and occasions or a code of ceremonial forms and courtesies of procedures accepted as proper and correct in official dealing.
If a church is to operate in a decent and orderly fashion, there must be an authority over the house; the Pastor, Bishop and an Overseer etc has been chosen by God to provide vision, knowledge, understanding, sound doctrine, discipline and order.
The church is the most important place where dignity, protocol, respect and reverence should be maintained. Why? Because when we come to the church and its services, we are entering into the Kingdom of God on earth, His habitation, and we choose to honor this sacred place by our attentiveness to what is proper and ordered. At that very moment, we can reflect the image of Christ within us by our actions.
In respect to its community, every church creates a suitable environment, follows the order in everything it offers and establishes its own set of etiquette rules. Modern ceremonies in the Lord’s house are nearly impossible without protocol officers.
1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
It is a combination of good manners and communication skills that lead to a competent and polite event, be it coronation, inauguration or ceremony. Special procedures are used in politics, at the official level and anywhere where attendants expect to mark their status, get respect and feel responsible for their role in the society.
The Protocol department is the arm of the Church that keeps orderliness with in and out of the Church. Their primary duty is to make sure that no harm befalls any member of the Pastoral body during any Church gatherings. It is also their duty to make sure that all vehicles to Church members and visitors are parked properly in order to avoid congestion and accidents in the car park belonging to the Church.
A church protocol officer is a person who makes sure that all the religious ceremonies, including memorial services, funerals, weddings, meetings, and other services are observed according to the proper instructions.
A church protocol officer is perfect at knowing the etiquette rules. This person or team of people ensures that the traditions carried throughout the centuries are honored, everything runs in the correct order, and every service is distributed according to the fundamental rules of the house of God.
The Protocol Department is an arm of the church saddled with the responsibility of providing a hospitable and conducive environment for visiting Guest Ministers (both Local and International) with the sole aim of making them feel at home outside their home.
The Protocol Team also caters for the well-being of the Resident Pastor and facilitate his ministry by providing requisite support services to assist him/her deliver God`s message with no hindrance.
Responsibilities and Duties of the Protocol Department
• Protocol Officers help to maintain orderliness during church service
• Attending all meetings and services in the Lord’s house
• Following the routine duties according to the fundamental and principle ideas of a church
• Being in charge of protocol generally for a pastor
• Protocol-ling for guest ministers
• Manning all the public areas in the building, including the entrance and sanctuary (the area around the altar and senior pastor’s office)
• Identifying ministers and other special guests and honoring them appropriately
• Following the formalities during special meetings
• Taking care of a pastor at all the stages of the event, meeting or service in or outside the building
• Taking care of guest ministers (processing their documents, arranging their accommodation, transportation and solving other logistics issues)
• Being always polite and helpful to the pastor and ministers
• Performing all assignments made by the pastor
• They attend to guest ministers welfare, security and comfort
• Coordinate members who wish to meet with the senior pastor or guest ministers
• Coordinating with the transportation Department in chauffeuring senior pastor and guest ministers
• Identifying visiting ministers, VIPs and church guest
The protocol department is divided into 3 units
• Amour Bearers: take care of senior Pastors belongings
• Security: They keep check and ensure security of members during service
• Transport Unit: Coordinate with Transport department in chauffeuring guest Ministers

Hebrews 13:2
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Every Protocol Member should be:
Since we understand that the physical is controlled by the spiritual, the Protocol Department takes our spiritual lives especially prayers and studying of the word very seriously. John 6:63 (NKJV) “It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing”:
As we will be interacting with people from different backgrounds the Protocol Members will always maintain a polite and cheerful appearance with all.
As a department that is organize the travel, accommodation and other related matters of Guest Ministers, every member is expected to have a high level of organization shown in their individual lives as well.
We are to submit to each other and the church leadership and Guest Ministers, out of respect for God. Even though some aspects of the work may look. Ephesians. 5:21 “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God”
Protocol Members are to be committed to efficiency and excellence, always looking for ways to improve – because our God is a God of Excellence.
Protocol Members must always be committed to exhibiting patience having in mind that a lot of people come with different burdens.
Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

The Protocol Members are like the ‘Special Services” section of the Church. Their area of focus is on the Pastorate and Guest Ministers. The impression which the Protocol Members make on guest ministers and the associates of the guest ministers will greatly affect their perception of the Church.
They conduct Preliminary Engagement with Guest Prior to the scheduled arrival of Guest Minister, preliminary engagement is established with the guest to introduce the protocol and seek information on specific needs of the guest that should be taken care of during the visit.
Some people believe that the protocol officer duties are the same as the responsibilities of the ushering team. It is not true, and the two job positions differ from one other. A protocol officer usually does not guide or help visitors to be seated, does not hand over books or leaflets, does not greet every other person at the entrance, does not entertain the first timers, etc. I have written a book on ‘The Art Of Effective Church Ushering’ which is in the market and you can as well Google the title to download and access the book online.
At the same time, many churches ensure that their officers work hand in hand with ushers, Armour bearers, security, sanctuary keepers, traffic controllers and other people to maintain order in the church through welcoming atmosphere, security, traditional excellence, and conventional forms and procedures.
ORDER means Obedience to Rules, Discipline, and Excellence = Results
While the church protocol duties of an officer might sound simple at first glance, it is a complicated discipline with its codes, set of rules, acceptable behavior for each possible occasion and ceremony held in the Word of God.
The church is the house of God and because we serve a God who is not the author of confusion, but a God who is orderly and organized, it is therefore pertinent that church services are well organized and order is duly observed. The ushering and protocol unit of the church is one that is saddled with the responsibility of ensuring orderliness, security and the smooth running of church services. The ushers are seen as the extension of the Pastors’ hand as they provide the first impression of the church and the ministry of the Pastor. Overall, we ensure that worshipers always have a good worship experience every time they are in church.

Church Ushering Training Manual
Globally Recognized Church Ushering Trainer
Church Safety and Security Training Manual
Church Protocol
Church Growth Strategies

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About the Author


Amb. Steve Mbugua is an enthusiastic Ambassador of Safety and wellness with in-depth training, safety advisory and Workplace Safety Behavior Change Coaching experience. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Makinika Afrika Int’l , a Health and Safety Training Firm in Kenya  and Group CEO  Nairobi Safety Shop Limited, the largest Security, Safety and Health Store in the East and Central Africa and Managing Director, Stewa Safaris Kenya Limited a Premier  Tours and  Travels Company in Kenya.

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