Sometimes last year I was taking my wife to Ngong hills for her music video shoot and after paying the KWS fees at the entrance we were directed to take the 2nd left turn but we opted to use the 1st because it looked like a short cut to our direction. Some few meters along the way the road became very rough and full of gravel and at some point our car couldn’t proceed. Some Maasai kids taking care of livestocks told us that small vehicles don’t use that route rather they use the 2nd left turn(as per our initial instructions). We had already wasted about 45mins as the car got stuck at some point. We failed for not following the initial instructions.
The greatest test of life is the test of obedience.
God will speak to you specially, specifically and individually. He is always precise and requires simple but bold obedience and this bold obedience requires faith.
Your obedience to God’s instructions is a catalyst for God to move even though most of the time He’ll give you the ‘what’ but without the ‘how’.
If you are waiting on clarity from God, clarity comes with the journey.
Just like driving being guided by the Google map you have to keep obeying the instructions given every time and one instruction will lead you to a place and another instruction will follow. You have to obey the first instruction, start the journey for Him to give you the second after obeying the first.
Just like in the military where you are given instructions say ‘quick match’ where you have to match forward untill you get the next instructions, this is a kingdom of rules and regulations and all promises in the bible are connected to a command.

God will never advance new instructions beyond your last act of Obedience.
Partial Obedience is disobedience.
Delayed Obedience is disobedience.
Selective Obedience is disobedience.
Convenient Obedience is disobedience.

Everyone has at some point received instructions from God e.g about tithing, obeying your parents, giving etc There’s timing to obedience.
Even writing this article has costed me some obedience because I had an inner conviction to write it and avoided attending a crucial meeting and had to park at a road side for a long time to prepare it. I have sacrificed a business meeting to prepare it.
Is there a voice that came to you today to do or not do something and you obeyed or never obeyed?
How fast you obeyed the divine instructions determined your progress.
God requires that we fully, wholly and completely obey Him as per Deuteronomy 28:1-14
Obedience is the ultimate test for authentic commitment.
God will not instruct us to do what He Has not equipped us to do. He Has already given us grace and capacity.
Obedience is costly but the end result is priceless.

1. Through His Word(bible)
2. An impression of the Holy Spirit in your heart or mind(still voice)
3. A dream or a vision
4. A prophet(Your pastor or man of God)
5. An Audible Voice
6. Circumstances eg a car breakdown. Divine incidences. Nothing just happens.

1. Abraham was told to leave his land, also told to sacrifice his only son. Genesis 12.
2. Noah was given instructions to built the ark and had not seen rain or ark before. Genesis 6:8
3. Jonah was sent to Nineveh but went to Tarshish
4. King Saul disobeyed God’s instructions until God regretted making him a king. 1Sam15
5. Wedding in Cana. Mary told disciples to do whatever Jesus would tell them to do. John 2:1
6. Simon Peter an expert in fishing was told to get into the deep see and release the net. Luke 5:1
7. The 10 men with leprosy were instructed by Jesus to go show themselves to the priest. Luke 17:11
Early this year I heard God instruct me to take some items to Nakuru to help in some kingdom work. The following day I started my journey but without the items but on my way I didn’t have peace and by the time I was getting to Ruaka my car displayed check engine light and I went to a mechanic around and 3 mechanics were not able to diagnise the problem. I proceeded with the journey but after St Paul University when joining the Nairobi Nakuru highway the engine went off at the middle of the road. I tried everything I thought would help and at some point got another mechanic who again couldn’t identify the problem.
I asked God what that meant and I heard a voice tell me to go back and prepare the items I was to carry and immediately I said okay and decided to go back I ignited the engine and it started running without displaying the check engine light and I drove back home and the following morning I called the servant of God who I was to support, told him about what I was to bring and I had a successful journey to and from Nakuru and the Congregation benefited alot from the equipment.
The Widow of Zarephath ‘pretended’ she had HEARD NOTHING from God when Elijah the Prophet arrived at her gate following this Instruction from God.
‘I have Commanded a widow woman to Sustain you’
We have people who are struggling to obey God after receiving Clear divine instructions.
To God 90% obedience is disobedience. It should be 100% obedience. Fully, completely and wholly.
The greatest hinderance to the will of God is the will of man.
Every act of Obedience or disobedience has consequences.
Walking with God means pleasing God and if you become a friend of God you’ll operate with high level of revelations, fruitfulness, blessings, divine Providence, progress and excellence. You will be sustained, break all limitations, experience a great catch and live an abundant life. You will POSSESS YOUR POSSESSION and live a purpose driven life.
My friend, trust and obey God’s instructions.

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About the Author


Amb. Steve Mbugua is an enthusiastic Ambassador of Safety and wellness with in-depth training, safety advisory and Workplace Safety Behavior Change Coaching experience. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Makinika Afrika Int’l , a Health and Safety Training Firm in Kenya  and Group CEO  Nairobi Safety Shop Limited, the largest Security, Safety and Health Store in the East and Central Africa and Managing Director, Stewa Safaris Kenya Limited a Premier  Tours and  Travels Company in Kenya.

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Thanks for this article. This is exactly what the Lord is helping me understand recently.

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