Course Training Objective
- Apply the Best Practices on Church Ushering and Congregation Management.
- Serve with Understanding, Knowledge, Revelation and Cultivate a Culture of Excellence in Ushering, ensuring Top-tier Service and Hospitality in every Church gathering
- Be equipped with information and skills which is feasible, relevant, timely, and viable in addressing the safety needs of our church communities by ensuring a safe worship environment through Planning, Prevention, Preparation, and Effective Response.
- Assist in the management of Evacuation Procedures in a manner that is Safe, Prompt and Secure
Course Contents
- Introduction to Church Ushering
- Biblical Foundation of Ushering
- Understanding the Ministry of Helps
- The Role and Responsibilities of an Usher
- Qualities of an Effective Usher
- The Importance of First Impressions
- Preparing Spiritually for Ushering
- Professional Appearance and Grooming
- Effective Communication Skills
- How to Greet and Welcome Guests
- Managing Church Seating Arrangements
- Handling Offerings and Tithes
- Assisting with Communion Service
- Guiding Congregants with Special Needs
- Dealing with Latecomers Gracefully
- Crowd Management and Movement Control
- Managing Conflict and Difficult Situations
- Handling Disruptions During Service
- Emergency Evacuation Procedures
- First Aid Basics for Ushers
- Working with Church Security Teams
- Understanding Church Etiquette and Protocol
- Interaction with Pastors and Church Leaders
- Coordinating with Other Church Departments
- The Art of Silent Communication During Service
- How to Handle Lost and Found Items
- Managing Children in the Sanctuary
- Supporting Special Events and Conferences
- Responding to Medical Emergencies
- Fire Safety Procedures in Church
- Emotional Intelligence for Ushers
- Building a Strong Ushering Team
- Developing a Servant’s Heart
- Time Management for Effective Ushering
- Practicing Active Listening
- Creating a Warm and Inviting Atmosphere
- Post-Service Duties and Clean-up
- Taking Feedback and Continuous Improvement
- Praying as an Ushering Team
- Handling VIP and Special Guests
- Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity
- The Power of a Smile in Ministry
- Staying Focused and Alert During Service
- Nurturing Unity Among Ushers
- Encouraging and Motivating Fellow Ushers
Conclusion and Certification
- Q&A Session
- Practical Role-Playing and Demonstration
- Encouragement and Prayer
- Awarding of Participation Certificates
- Closing Remarks and Benediction
Trainer: Ambassador Steve Mbugua Globally Recognized Church Ushering Trainer and Author
For More Training and Resources: