1. Have a close relationship with God. Seek to be anointed because, the usher is the first contact with the people. Pray, fast and meet regularly. This is one step closer to getting to the Lord.
2. An usher’s conduct should be above reproach and should reflect a gentle Godly spirit to all they serve.
3. An usher must display a servant’s heart, willing to always serve anyone, no matter how big or small the request.
4. Greeting people in a warm way makes them feel good about their presence in church. Be a great welcomer to the house of God.
5. Ushers must observe proper personal hygiene; control/elimination of bad breath and body odor.
6. Ushers should not chew gum or any otherway call attention to themselves.
7. All strong smells are a hindrance to your guests and members when serving as a church usher.
Many people cannot tolerate strong odors due to allergic reactions. Colognes and perfumes have to be minimal.
• If I can smell you from 7 feet – that’s too much.
• If your smell stays with me after a hug – that’s too much.
• If I still smell you after you have left the room, that’s too much.
8. An usher must avoid long conversations that could overlook providing a handshake, smile, and greeting to everyone who is in attendance.
9. Ushers should wear their uniforms or the designated attires. Always wear usher’s name badges when on duty.
10. An usher must never place his/her hands on the opposite sex other than a friendly handshake or helping someone at their request. Ask before touching.
11. Only females will place and remove modesty cloths on women around the altar.
12. . Be courteous and tactful at all times. Never react to discourtesy or rebuff, instead act in Christian love.
13. Avoid favoritism or partiality to anyone. Make everyone; members and guests, all feel welcomed and important.
14. Always straighten out any misunderstanding that might arise in the performance of duties.
15. Notify the pastor of the presence of an important person.
16. Keep children quiet, they are not to walk or run around during service. Request the parents to take crying or loud children out. Reserve seats for parents with infants/ toddlers and elderly.
17. Know the plan of action in case of emergency or contingency, such as overflow crowd or sudden outburst of emotion. Ushers assigned in the evening fellowship or night vigil must always carry a flashlight.
18. Be alert in spotting intruders particularly pickpockets who may be posing as worshippers.
19. Ushers need to be ready at all times to respond as directed when there is a disturbance, illness, or other situation that requires special attention.
20. Be ready to serve Holy Communion elements and be familiar with the proper procedures of serving the elements.

21. Be ready to assist those who are assigned at the pulpit or persons rendering special performance offering.
22. Be alert for opportunities to witness and share the Good News.
23. Be alert and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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About the Author


Amb. Steve Mbugua is an enthusiastic Ambassador of Safety and wellness with in-depth training, safety advisory and Workplace Safety Behavior Change Coaching experience. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Makinika Afrika Int’l , a Health and Safety Training Firm in Kenya  and Group CEO  Nairobi Safety Shop Limited, the largest Security, Safety and Health Store in the East and Central Africa and Managing Director, Stewa Safaris Kenya Limited a Premier  Tours and  Travels Company in Kenya.

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