Every one has done a mistake in the past and depending with how s/he dealt with it, it can turn up to be a stepping stone to the next level. I call it falling forward. Even in business, I remind myself that being an entrepreneur is all about ups and downs. Some days you will doubt yourself and other days you will believe that you’re on the perfect path. I remind myself that even if I end up making a wrong choice, mistakes can sometimes be a blessing in disguise because they only make you stronger and give you something to learn from. It’s all about the journey, so you have to believe in the end goal, not the moments when you doubt yourself.
One day I looked in the mirror and had a conversation with my inner self. I promised that I would never again allow myself to bury my dreams because of a person or circumstance. I gave my life to prayer, meditation and self-discovery. The more I began to focus on bringing more positive people, thoughts and actions into my life, the more everything began to change around me. My mental and physical energy were at an all-time high. I felt absolutely wonderful. There was no room for regret because my new mindset opened me up to a future of unlimited possibilities. Since then I have used that experience to help others transform their lives and journey down a path toward success.
It is about your mindset. It is a strong power house. Just set your mindset right. Whatever you purpose to do, with a positive mindset, you can do absolutely anything. Badirisha Hali, run your race, stick to your lane, accelerate the momentum, focus to the reward and believe in yourself. Whatever it is, It is possible!
My friend, you have to take 100% responsibility for