Where does God wants you to be at such a time like this?
In the scripture, the prophet Elijah was living in a certain city. God said to him, “Leave this place and go down to the brook Cherith for I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” When he got to the brook, every morning just like clockwork, the ravens brought him food. He had his provision; a prepared blessing. Here’s the key. Elijah didn’t have to try to find the ravens. He just had to get to where God wanted him to be and the ravens found him.
In the same way, there is a place where God has commanded you to be blessed. The ravens are already there — your provision, favor, abundance. The real question today is will you do what’s required to get to your place of blessing? Elijah could have said, “God, I don’t want to leave. I’m comfortable. I like it here. My friends are here.” But if he had stayed, he would have missed where he was commanded to be blessed.
Are you willing to do what God is asking you to do today? Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit inside, follow His leading, and enter into the place of blessing!
There is a still and silent voice instructing and persuading you on where to go and what to do and the only thing needed for you is obedience. At the point of divine location there is divine providence and the condition is full obedience.
God is moving us to a location that is consistent with His plan for our lives.
In the scriptures we read about Zacchaeus the tax collector in the book of Look 19:1-10, who happened to climb a sycamore tree to view Jesus but this became his divine position for his visitation.
The anointing of God falls positionally. Everything of your destiny has a geography attached to it. There is a spiritual side of the geography and a physical side. Zacchaeus ran up a tree. Jesus was not aware that he was there but as soon as Jesus got there, he looked up and said, “Come down”. The real question for you and I until we see Jesus is, “Are you in place for what God has for you?” Your provisions from God will go to the location that God has planned for you.
There is a divine allocation that waits for you in the divine location. Nothing will happen until that location is right. What are those things that will help us get to where you are to get to? Open your spiritual eyes and you will see the glimpses and power of divine location. Certain things cannot and will not happen until you get to the location where they are ordained to happen.