There comes a time when you have to dare yourself and the situations happening in your life.
The principal that applies in successful people is:: “Everything in life is risky so just risk before you get risked”
Make your 2020 an year of great daring. An year of possession an year where you dare your destiny, an year where you dare your success your achievement and your dreams. .
Stop being intimidated by words of your peers, your equals, and plug off from your past fears and failures.. Purpose to be extra ordinary, stretch your brain to realize the potential in you.. start moving from your comfort and face the daring threat of your life.
1. David dared to face Goliath despite the small he was and the physical bullying philistine 1 Samuel 17:46
“This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.”
2. Shadrack, Misheck and Abedinego dared the king, they said Daniel 3:16-18 “Even if He (God) doesn’t save us we will not bow down or serve your gods or the image you have set up.”
4.Queen Esther in Esther 4:17 says “I know it’s against the law to go to the king if he has not called me, but I Will go if I DIE, I DIE.
5. The four leprous men in 2 Kings 7:3-20 told each other ” why sit here and die? If we enter the city famine will kill us there. If we sit here, we will die also. Let’s go to the Assyrians. If they kill us we DIE, if they spare us we LIVE.”
In all these cases it was success after success.
Esther saved her tribesmen.
The leprous men saved their people.
David saved his people
And the Jews in Babylon got their freedom of worship through the daring of Daniel and his three friends.
At times victory, achievement and success are hidden in daring situations. Arise and face these situations in an “whatever happens I will fix it” attitude.